Gchi’miigwech for your beautiful work for Nibi

Core walkers have committed to the duration of the walk. Their food and accommodations are provided so they can focus their attention on ceremony. The core walkers carry the pail and staff during the water walk. Community walkers are invited to walk behind the core walkers throughout the day.

Instructions for Core Walkers:

  • Please familiarize yourself with the protocols and instructions for community walkers.

  • Please bring Aseema (tobacco). You are welcome to wear ceremonial regalia.

  • Women on moon-time (menstruating) are powerful and must not carry the pail or the "Little Boy" Staff.

  • Be ready and prepared when Nibi and the Staff come to you.

  • Nibi is handed off first. Pass the Staff and Nibi in FRONT of the vehicle.

  • When carrying Nibi, keep looking forward, don’t stop walking, and don’t turn your head to look behind. If something is dropped, the Staff Carrier can pick it up for you.

  • Staff Carriers: You are the eyes and ears for the walkers and the water.

  • Staff Carriers: Offer Semaa (tobacco) when you walk by rivers or streams and when you walk by a dead animal/bird.

  • Always start at the front of the line-up and keep your vehicle placed in rotation.

  • Do not stop in the middle of the highway to talk — pull over if needed.

  • Do not park in the middle of curves, bridges, or hills, even if it means a slightly longer walk.

  • Turn the vehicle's hazard lights on while parked. Before moving, put on your seatbelt, turn off the hazards, and use the turn signal.

  • You are welcome to take breaks, but check to see that enough core walkers remain.

  • If you must leave the rotation for longer than a bathroom break, use your own vehicle (not someone else's).

  • Be respectful of other people’s belongings and vehicles. Always smoke outside, not in the vehicles.

  • If food/snacks are out, they are shareable. If you don’t want others to eat something, please put it away.

  • Keep track of your belongings and return any that you find to Grandmother Van.

  • Be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes and a safety vest.

Remember to Bring

  • Feast Kit with take away container.

  • Water bottle.

  • Mug.

  • Food Item for Feast (Friday at Heartwood).

  • Give away gift.

  • Tobacco/sage.

  • Smudge bowl and matches for your vehicle.

  • GPS for your car.

  • Debit card and or small bills.

  • Sleeping bag/pillow.

  • Safety Vest.

  • Comfy shoes.

  • Extra socks.

  • Clothes.

  • Phone + charger.

  • GPS for car

  • Rain gear.

  • Sunscreen.

  • You!!!